
Since writing a rip-off of The Hobbit when I was about 12 I've known I wanted to be a writer, but I've taken a damn long time getting around to it. I futzed about a few years picking up a writing degree from a small New England school that didn't require taking a language. This was HUGE, because I am rubbish with foreign languages, just ask the poor little Tokyo waitress who thinks I want to eat her head like a sandwich.

I jumped from novel writing to journalism to movie scripts and back to novel writing. Seems like I could've saved some time by skipping the middle mediums, but I learned a lot along the way and in the end isn't writing from experience what it's all about?

For years now I've been developing a world in which to tell the action/adventure fantasy story that's been rolling about inside my noggin. Book one is done. Book two's rough draft is complete. Books three, four and five are well laid out. I can't wait to write each and every one of them!

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