(Oct '19)
The Rue of Hope, the second book in the Beyond Barlow series, is in pre-production. Here's a sneak peek at the table of contents:


(May '19)
Just signed the contract to publish book #2! It's official, I've got a series!

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(Dec '18) 
Book #2 has been completed! It's at the copy editor. Once I get it back and go over the corrections, it'll be good to go!

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(Jan '18)
So, an odd thing happened the other day. The main character from my book was interviewed by a robot...of sorts. You see, Craig Boyack of Lisa Burton Radio conducts these interviews in the guise of a female robot speaking directly to fictional characters. It's a very interesting and creative approach. I think the one Ford did with Lisa came out well. Check it out here:

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(Nov '17)
Very cool news! A book club chose Beyond Barlow for their monthly read! That's such an incredible honor and so very generous of them to spend their time reading my words. In conjunction with this, the club organizer conducted an interview with me. If you'd like to read it, here it is:

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​(Sept '17)
The book is out. The Kindle version is out. It's all out!...Well, maybe not. Word is there could, maybe, possibly be an audiobook version sometime in the future. Right now I'm just plugging away at book two, while book three is all but completely outlined, and book four is forming up nicely. I've had ideas for five, but just recently they've begun to solidify. Plus, a possible story arc for six, seven, eight and nine occurred to me just the other day. Seems like I can't write fast enough these days.

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(April '17)
I found myself a publisher! WOOOOOWHOOOOOO!!! Black Rose Writing out of Texas will be putting out the first book in my fantasy series in Fall 2017!

This is a project that I've been working on since 2009, back when I began what will now be book #2. I fiddled with it and improved it some for a few years until deciding that a prequel was needed. I don't know if it's needed for readers, but I needed to write it. I wanted to get to know the main character and I felt like I needed to step back in time and investigate his past to understand who he was. When I began that journey I soon realized there was a potential book there. So, I pushed the old book to the back burner and began with a new "first" book, which I'm calling Beyond Barlow.

I finished Beyond Barlow a couple years ago and I could have chucked it out there as a self-published book, but I wanted to see if it had the goods to pass a publishing house's muster. Without an agent or much of a track record, I aimed for the medium to small houses and finally latched on to Black Rose, who has been in the business for over ten years now.

I'm glad I didn't push Beyond Barlow out when it was first finished. The past two years has given me ample time to improve upon it and catch my MANY grammatical eras...j/k. No, but seriously, I'm terrible with that stuff. I and a number of others have made approximately a dozen passes over the thing and I'm sure there are still errors. I hate mistakes and would continue to correct the manuscript forever, but I'm learning when to let go.

This process has also been good for the original "book #1". Man oh man, am I glad I didn't rush to publish that one! Recently I went back over it and, although the writing was adequate, it was not exciting in the least. The plot needed work, too. I think when all is said and done it's going to be so much better. With the little I've done to it so far, I've turned a ho-hum adventure into a suspenseful thriller. I don't know if I factor into Black Rose's future plans, but going through this process has made me confident that book #2 will have no trouble finding a home.

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